Statutorily Sealed Case File In Connecticut Hold
Dear MOM, I don't think it has anything to do with your son, It more than likely is an attempt to have his own juvenile history sealed. If this is something that involved your son you only need to produce proof your his mom, ( A birth certificate would do) And then legally request copies of the records. Which you as his mom would be entitled to.
M Statue - means Decree- IN this case it means to legally determine. And SEALED means- to close So he wants to Legally close. OR make thse records unavailable. Statutorily eradicated generally means erased by statute.
Case File Definition
For example, a statute may provide that records of juvenile offenses are removed from official records when the juvenile becomes an adult and certain conditions are met. It is a process that occurs automatically by statute, as distinguished from records of offenses which are expunged or sealed upon request by an individual.
Does Any One Know What Statutorily Sealed Mean? My son's dad has a case pending but it states it's Statutorily Sealed. IN this case it means to legally. Aug 21, 2017 Statutorily sealed case file in connecticut filecloudfed. Uslegal, inc torrington school board member's dui case sealed in bantam court. Iar embedded workbench for 8051. Statutorily sealed. THE STRUCTURE OF CONNECTICUT'S COURT. Order the court file sealed. The town where the crime was committed usually determines which court will hear the case.