Easy Web Gallery Builder Crackle
Create image or video web galleries Easy Web Gallery Builder enables you to create online image or video galleries from your digital photos and/or video files. It automatically generates high quality thumbnails from your photos and also extracts scene thumbnails from video files, which are then linked to the original images or a resized version. In case of video files you can choose to embed a video player. The program offers many options to customize the output, you can set image titles, text and background colors, navigation links, page titles and more. More advanced users will also appreciate the option to add custom page headers/footer as well as meta tags to the pages.
Other features include optional watermarks (text or image), support for projects, image drop shadows, slideshows and more. Copyright Snapfiles.com Trial Limitations: Unlimited trial. Watermark on images and link on pages.
From Easy Web Gallery Builder creates high quality HTML image or video galleries for the web, CD or local viewing. The application will save you a huge amount of time and money by fully automating the gallery creation process without compromising the quality. Once you have tuned the gallery settings according to your preferences the next time you would like to build a gallery it will require just to load the project and add the new images.
Easy Web Builder
Download - Easy Web Gallery Builder. Create Image Gallery,Web Galleries,Thumbnails,Picture Gallery,Photo Albums and much more.
Different than the common gallery building applications Easy Web Gallery Builder supports all popular images and video formats. It uses advanced algorithms for resizing images and creating thumbnails providing high quality that would otherwise be achieved only by using expensive image processing products.
Another advantage of the application that differentiates it from the crowd is that it gives you an unlimited control over the style of the created galleries. Being able to fully customize your projects you will also stand out from the crowd by creating unique high quality galleries that no one can recognize as automatically generated.