Standalone Ftp Client No Installation
Ftpdmin is a minimal Windows FTP server. FTP does not require an 'install'. No 'installation' is necessary to use it. Whenever you are using a FTP client. SFTP Client; FTP Client; Download; Install. Secure FTP Server on Windows using IIS. You may want to install a secure FTP server on Windows either as standalone.
Advertisement I was recently away when my blog broke. A plug-in had somehow broken down, became corrupt and an embarrassing PHP error was seen on the top of every page. Worse yet the admin section wouldn’t work period. The solution was simple right? Log in via FTP and delete the corrupt plug-in.
Unfortunately was at work. The computer I had access to had no FTP client (I couldn’t install one/didn’t want to take the time). My two options were to wait till I got home to fix it, or I could use an online FTP client. The same situation can happen anywhere: school, work, the need to upload or delete something but can’t because of the lack of a FTP client. Luckily some other people have had the same problem and created online FTP clients. I’ll show you three main ones but there are plenty others out there. FTP Live isn’t bad, but not excellent either.
It is entirely web-based (no Java, Flash, Javascript, etc.) and can be difficult to use because of the lack of navigation buttons. FTP Live is by far the slowest to upload and download files.
It also restricts the maximum upload size to 16MB. That size can be raised in the Pro version. The Pro version allows you to upload up to 300MB, login via a secure (https) page, along with no ads.
Net2ftp is by far the most versatile and feature filled of the three. Along with standard FTP features like chmoding, renaming, deleting, downloading, etc, uploading can be done in three different ways. A standard browser upload, a Flash based upload, or a Java upload. One special thing about the standard upload is that you can upload an archive (zip, tar.gz, etc) and it will extract it on the fly; net2ftp can also zip files and folders already uploaded. The Flash based upload is just a generic upload with a progress bar.
The Java upload can upload directories and batch upload files. Another useful feature of net2ftp is the install wizard. The install wizard (when you click on “Install”) uploads a small php file to your server and gives you a link to that file. When you click that link (or go to the file if the link is wrong) it will allow you to install a number of PHP applications (like WordPress, phpBB, etc). The best thing about net2ftp though, is that it can be downloaded and hosted on your site (much like WordPress.) This will let you use a version for just your personal website, brand it for a larger website or intranet, or even host your own online FTP client.
7 WinSCP Portable is the standalone version of, a powerful FTP client that has been especially developed for secure file transfers. Extremely secure FTP client The key to WinSCP is the fact that it supports both SFTP and SCP protocols over SSH-1 and SSH-2. Of course, it also supports normal FTP protocols too.
It also features full SSH support and has entirely configurable security and encryption options. A particularly nice addition is the Session Saving option. If you want to save your session configuration, you can use the save button on the login dialog. In this way, you can make huge FTP file transfers and not worry about stopping and completing it later. Tricky to use for beginners For starters, be warned that WinSCP is not the easiest to use. Because of the extra security features, WinSCP can appear overwhelming at first, although it does feature two modes of graphical user interface. WinSCP also supports integration with Windows in terms of drag & dropping files, pasting URLs and shortcuts.
Ftp Client For Mac
Complex but very secure WinSCP isn't the most user-friendly FTP client out there, but it must be one of the most secure. Changes. Bug fix: Translations were not included in setup. Bug fix: Versions of 3rd party components were not updated in translations.