Patch Fr Madden Nfl 08 Pc Updates

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Madden NFL 2008 Patches downloads are here. Check all the latest Madden NFL 2008 files, mods, patches, demos and betas on FilePlanet. Madden NFL 08 Rooster Patch. Madden NFL 08 Rooster Patch: Madden NFL 08 is. Next Lost Empire Immortals Latest Version Patch v1.0.5 Free Download for Windows PC.

On to the next video tutorial video for online play! This video explains how to patch your game for users with the CD version of the game. This will patch Madden 08 game version up to 4.0, enabling you to play online. ATTENTION: Users with the version of the game, there will be a link provided directing you to another video on how to patch that version of the game. If you are watching in the playlist, go directly to the next video if you have the digital download version of the game. Amazon users: Brought to you.

I see everyone else here talking about new stuff in Madden 08, and I wanted to give a little love to PC and Nintendo DS fans out there. Yep I work on both versions; my name is Russell Kiniry. Been here at Tiburon since Madden 2001 PC getting my start in QA like most of the guys on this blog, so after a lifetime of Madden (or well ten years since I really got my start in 92) I got to finally work on the game.

On that note: I loved the look back at the old school Madden blog by Ian; brought back some fond memories of turning off the TV in my room and throwing a shirt over the system to hide the light for the power when Mom came in to yell about me staying up too late. I've seen more sunrises then I'd like to admit because of Madden. But enough about me and more about the games. Let's start off with PC so I can address some of the comments from around the web:.Defensive Smart Routes - Check. Now you can set your defenders on the first down line just like receiver routes, nice addition for those curl route runners on every 3rd down. Well that and a nice Cover 2.Double Pass Plays - Check.

This is fun stuff, glad it's made it into the game. Can be a game breaking play when used right.Online Challenges - Check. One of those 'wish you would have been here sooner' options. Works great though.New Animations and Gang Tackles - Check. New animations make all the difference in the world and there are some great catch and tackle animations added this year.Gameplay Tuning - Check. Fix some of those small bugs and exploits and keep the best playing Madden (in my opinion) exactly that.

So all the stuff that makes Current Gen game play great is coming to PC as well; and yeah it's all a lot of fun to play around with. More to come. The first question that is going to come up from all the PC fans is about Next Gen vs. So rather then bore you with the details let me say that we are still closer to the Current Gen version of the game. Personally I've been a fan of this choice given the way the game plays, but Next Gen has made me take a second look at my opinion now that I'm finally seeing 08 in action.

This really is the great Madden PC debate for the last couple of years: Speed and Game play of Current Gen versus the Look and Graphics of Next Gen (FYI - it just has not been technically possible to do both to date, even though I've been trying). We've read posts and comments about it over the last year and while not everyone agrees, for me it has always come back to how the game plays over how it looks. I hate looking at screen shots of a game, reading the features, and going 'Wow, that is going to be amazing,' only to get it home and have it be nothing more then eye candy. Now don't get me wrong I love to push my system at home (why else put two video cards in one PC right?), but really I want a game that will keep me entertained for 60 hours not 60 minutes. But the PC debate will rage on here and on the boards, we'll see how it plays out in the future versions of Madden PC. I'm going with the PC version this year because I dropped $500 a few months ago for a new video card, rather than buying a next-gen game system. I own Madden07 for current-gen XBox, and I love how the game plays.

The graphics aren't terrible, and the gameplay is pretty damn good (with the exception of special teams play). If the same current-gen gameplay is kept intact, and the graphics of the PC version are good, and IF (big if) new features have been added and genuine gameplay improvements have been made, then I'll be satisfied. I don't mind if the PC version is based on current-gen. All I.truly. want is a football game that I won't cast aside after a few days because of bugs, glitches, or sloppy programming. Thanks for the blog.

I'm looking forward to the game. If you are saying your keeping the graphics current gen on PC then I dont want you making PC games. I like gameplay as much as everyone else but I think you can make a graphically great game and have great gameplay. Its not just one or the other. In conclusion I dont want you making PC games and I will never buy your crappy current gen ports. Instead I will buy games like Crysis, Unreal Tournament, Bioshock, and World in Conflict that manage great next gen graphics with gameplay that blows your crappy madden game out of the water. I find it amazing that the biggest publisher in the world can't find the resources to produce a Next Gen Madden game for the PC.

If anything a high-end PC could be the platform that produces a flagship football game for EA. Showcasing cutting edge physics and incredibly deep simulation taking advantage of memory and CPU. But far be it from EA to invest into the PC platform.

The fans come second when it comes to milking the franchise. Can't take away any of their console sales. Gotta keep the console image up right?

I have a question about the game play. I have been playing Madden online for 8 years now. I have loved somethings about the game and hated sometimes about the game. To put it in a nice way Madden 2007 sucked! Because of 2007 a NEW breed of cheese balls players have been born.


The 'cone chasers' I wanted to know if Madden 2008 still has this in it?? I think the cone (if you really need it in the game) should only be able to be seen by the team on offense. Its just retarded that its even in the game for the defense to see. Yes it makes it a little harder to pass with the cone and thats fine. Just make it so you can only see it when your on offense!! I agree with the above. Madden 08 should be next-gen.which should really be named current-gen as consoles are always behind the abilities of PCs.

I am running a Geforce 6800 XT and have no problem at all at max settings with Madden 07. Madden should be pushing PCs just like Unreal Tournament III and Oblivion, not lagging years behind. The state of the PC port should be considered an embarrassment to EA.

I understand that it isn't as popular as the console games, but my mediocre graphics card is among the lower tier of enthusiast cards.EA shouldn't be afraid to challenge hardware. Step up to the plate, EA. To be a leader in gaming, you have to have something worth bragging about. @ ea i dont understand why you let stand the pc user in the rain why we dont become the next gen you see the old engine dont play at my pc my pc is to good for this engine this engine was born 2003 what jeahr we have now??

2007 4 jeahrs the same game on pc!!! Why why why why why why why why i was so lucky how i see the trailers from madden 08 and belive me i was every day on ign and have look the videos and on i talk out of my heard please give us the next gen!!!! 09 is to late you have 4 weeks to change the pc version please make that i really hate it me sorry that i have this wrong words say in my comments!!

I was so angry aboud 07 06 and 05 in this games was nothing chanched ok the qb vision thats the last change in the games!!! Please make pc with the next gen ist ok when the graphic is changed the gmeplay too but the graphic!! I find the eye plays with thge player right?? Please answer mfg marvin.

PC users get current-gen (read: PS2, XBox, GameCube) technology because technology isn't available yet? Are you fucking serious? That's ludicrous, high-end PCs are more than three times the machine of any console on the market and furthermore, all XBox/360 games are designed and developed on PCs and M$ consoles run a very restricted Windows variant as an operating system.

That way games can be easily ported (translated) to the XBox/360 without many changes. This is utterly bullshit, and as a result I won't be buying any EA sports games this year. I refuse to buy a 360 of PS3 when I have a $2000 gaming rig that smokes both of them in an absurd manner. I'm not a computer geek, I grew up with Atari 2600 and Colecovision and everything that came after. Last two consoles I bought were the PS2 and XBox, and they may prove to be my last.

When you see what Oblivion can do on a high-end PC, and then compare that to Madden 07, you might as well be comparing crystal to a mud. Technology isn't there?

EA, have fun pushing the 360, and losing all the hardcore gamers in the process.A Dissatisfied Customer. Dude, you're excuses are so lame. So if I'm reading right, you're saying you stuck with current gen's movements and models because 'you wanted a game that will keep you entertained for 60 hours not 60 minutes.'

This is presumably because you think current gen has tighter controls and that next gen is simply eye-candy. But you do realize that you're completely contradicting the hype that you're main developer's have been touting out all summer right? Specifically, they've been saying that this is the first year that Next-Gen would have the same responsiveness of Current-Gen. And many people who've played beta releases have affirmed this to be the case. So why give out your lame excuse then? This is exactly why I don't buy Madden anymore.

The duplicity of your organization is astounding. I was hoping that last year would be next gen, but I knew there wasn't much chance. This year however I was sure would be next gen, I had been waiting ALL YEAR TO PLAY MADDEN 08 on PC. Obviously I once again misplaced my faith in EA. Fuck they still dont have widescreen support for Battlefield 2142, what kind of shit is that.

Obviously someone in charge at EA don't give 2 shits about PC gaming. Cost of high end PC that could run Madden 08 Next gen fairly well Mobo-$150(EVGA 680i) Processor-$200 (Core2Duo) DVD drive-$30 power supply-$60 Ram-$120 (2 gigs) Vid Card-$250 (Geforce 8) Case-$40(decent case) Windows-Free just steal it cause M$ cant do nutin, especially XP, although Vista is also fully cracked. Total cost for a 'next gen' pc $850.00 Thats really not that much.

Stop stalling and release 2 version of Madden for Pc is you have to. You dont even have to distrubute them to stores, just offer them online through EA Link. For the love of Christ its not brain surgery!

If I want to play a sports game with 2001 graphics, I'll play High Heat Baseball, and if I want to play a sports game strictly on gameplay I'll fire up my NES and play R.B.I. THUMBS DOWN!!! I'm sick of hearing that EA is not able to give the next gen graphics for PC version of the football game. Last year was very disappointing to hear no next gen graphics. I even opted out of buying the game because of that reason. I waited for this year hoping that the graphics will improve. VERY VERY disappointing.

Seriously its to a point that if EA wants to save money and not even do a direct port from XBOX 360 version, don't even make the game for PC. Just declare madden for consoles only. EA will learn the hard way that PC gaming will be around for a long time and that there will be lots of buyers for next gen Madden for PC if they just lift a pinky to create it cause that all it takes with consoles being close to pc. NOT BUYING MADDEN 08! I will definitely not be buying this garbage.

Congrats on again shafting pc users. I will go out of my way to bootleg it and give everybody i know who plays pc games a copy of this game to make sure they dont waste their money supporting what is by far the worst game development company on the planet.

There isnt 1 talented developer in any of the ea owned studious outside of crytek and nothing would make me happier than ea going bankrupt. Cant wait till you lose the exclusive rights to the nfl because 2k sports games blow yours out of the water. Thats just ridiculous coming from a company that produced pc games such as BF2, BF2142 and CnC3 that are eye candy to the max graphics games.

You can make mass multiplayer online games like those with insane quality textures and lighting and you say you can't make a freaking football game like that? Give me a break.


The best developers go to playstation 3 and xbox 360. Then all others get divided between all other titles. And then there is Madden PC.


That is the dieing ground for your company. When you are developing for madden PC you are about to lose your job.

Unless they have a opening for coffee guy. You have no creativity at all. They tell you what to put into the game and what not. It is all ported features and the only thing you guys come up with is what type of piece of shit PC will be able to run this coffee guy game. I spent 6000 on my pc. I can probably run MADDEN 08 on my 1 gb usb memory stick. Madden PC 08 is a port for sprint's moble technology.

This is just stupid. EA GET TO WORK. '(FYI - it just has not been technically possible to do both to date, even though I've been trying)'. BULL FUCKIN SHIT!!! Why do we have games like CNC3 AND BF2142 from this same company that push PC hardware and whipe the floor w/ Madden 08 nin terms of graphics? Let alone games like oblivion and crysis ect.??

You and your whole dev team are copouts. The same FN graphics engine since like 04. That is Pathetic. There is no omre to be said I will never buy another ea Sports game untill you treat us PC gamers like REAL CUSTOMERS! Can you think of ANY other yearly game that has used the same graphics for 4 years??? I have a C2D6600 and an 8800GTX it can run circles around a 360. YOU FAIL HARD!!I hope you lose your job, and your wife leaves you.

COMPLETELY SICKENED! That's got to be the largest bunch of two-faced crap every blogged on this site.

Since when is something controversial when 99% of people are of the same opion about it?? Are there more than 1% who don't want the next gen gfx??

I was bitterly disappointed last fall to see how lame madden '07 for PC was (and yes, i SKIPPED buying it, these are not empty statements from a sheep), not that was i was completely shocked since the PC has been lagging a year behind console gfx recently. BUT COME ONE! Still not the next gfx for '08?! I was all set with my money to be running to the store in a few days, thankful to final get a good version again. You can damn well bet i won't be buying '08 either or '09 or '10 if you keep up this feeble, lame crap for the PC. Except perhaps for the first few months after a new console is released, PCs generally run rings around consoles, has been that way since the Atari VCS! My PC, and all my friends, stomp all over the 360!

And what is up with not even offering wide screen monitor support?! And worse, EA sports games can't even be hacked into forcing widescreen aspect. There are many games from almost 10 years ago that can! How pathetic is that?? Stunning how pathetic EA/Tiburon treats the Madden PC consumer. WTF is going on?

It breaks my heart that I have to pass on yet another year of football gaming. I am a complete NFL freak but I refuse to reward a company that deems me stoopid and superfluous. I'm so unholy pissed that I'll also boycott the 'Current Gen' version of the game on Xbox as well and just suffer without. While I'm at it. How bout we drop the redickulous 'Current Gen' moniker altogether and call a spade a spade.

Current Gen is outdated garbage. You insult our intelligence when you come at us with any other company line. I loved it in the year 2000. That was 15K in gaming PC's, 100000 hair follicles, and 7 years ago. Now I'm going to get on my 'State of the Art' cellular phone (that charges right next to my 'Cutting Edge' Microwave oven) and tell all my buddies to stop funding this debacle of a game until EA wakes the f-up!

What I love most about all this is that the creeps making the PC version don't tell anyone about the game's engine until July 20, 2007 - less then a month from the game's release date. This was most assuredly done to make sure they can steal some Pre-Order sales before telling PC gamers the truth about the PREHISTORIC game engine that EA/Tiburon is Rehashing again for us. EA/Tiburon are money-grubbing creeps. They WANT everyone to steer away from the PC and go into the more comfortable confines of Consoles (cough/ XBOX LIVE PARTNERSHIP /cough), where they can reel in some extra cash to pocket for themselves.

So all they have to do for the PC gamers is give us Roster Updates and a couple gimmicky features nobody cares about. It's garbage - pure garbage. Yet, we have no other options, because these same creeps bought the NFL license so nobody BUT EA/Tiburon can make NFL video games.

Pile on top of that that EA/TIburon shut down the PREVIOUS year's game servers, so you can't play them online OR get updates rosters. They FORCE you to buy a new version every year.

It's just pure garbage. The only way things will change is either: 1. People simply stop buying Madden games. Making the PC version Next-Gen quality is cheaper then leaving it as current gen, as far as EA/Tiburon's so-called budget goes. If I ever do break down to buy a Next-Gen console, I'm not buying Madden, I'm buying All Pro Football 2K. I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I am about this. I wish I would have seen this before I bought Madden 08 for the PC.

Telecharger driver ovislink evo-w542usb. I installed it and was expecting beautiful, updated graphics. My mouth was left hanging opened when I saw that the graphics look exactly the same as the 07 version I played the previous week!!! Other than the overlays from screen to screen, everything looks exactly the same. I don't have a console because for the money they want for those things, I'd rather pump my money into my computer. I did just that.

I was looking forward to an updated Madden but I didn't think I'd get a Madden with simply an updated roster!!! I can't think of a worse time I've had buyer's remorse. This really is a sad state.The entire point behind spending the money for PC Gaming is to be on the bleeding edge of graphic technology, interactivity, moddibility, and the art of gaming in general. Otherwise there just isn't a point in spending $750-1500 on a mid to upper range PC over a gaming console. So to see game developers low-ball the PC in favor of consoles which are built on PC architecture.cough xbox and 360.

is just sad, sad, sad. When I have my $750 HTPC connected to my TV to play Madden 08 on, where are the bragging rights? When Some Kid down the street is playing a better version of the same game on his $250 xbox 360. IF anything - developers should pioneer their tech on the PC as a base, and then move them onto the 360 from there.The architecture is in place to do that! And you wouldn't risk alienating the already dwindling PC gaming market.

And, folks, thats what it boils down too.The PC gaming market is shrinking and shrinking - There just isn't much of a ROI developing strictly for the PC anymore.Too many hardware configs and varieties of software to be compatible with. Still.It is sad to see the PC user base being low-balled and taken advantage of. When you go to the Madden 08 PC section of the website and see the Next Gen graphics, thats what you expect.Not some sub-par piece of secondary code that was obviously just hacked together and pushed out the door. It's the being taken advantage of that stings, not the economics behind it.

And I, too, will not buy this game and validate the reasoning by throwing my hard earned cash at EA for those reasons. Not to say that it won't still grace my PC. Wow, i hope you read all these comments. Every single one is a negative, except one (and that refers to the PS3 version). And EA wonders why people steal your games on the PC platforms. Quite frankly, all owners of 07 are entitled to a free copy of 08, because all it is is a patch.

You apparently dont admit it, but considering the list of features added to the 08 game, it pales in comparison to some game patches that have been released out there. Many people will follow the advice of the poster above, and rightly so. No consumer should pay for this pathetic garbage. And you have no one to blame but yourself, and the entire team at Tiberon and EA. It is a known fact that the 360 version can be easily ported to the windows platform, including with it the Live connectivity, Games For Windows label, and even the use of the 360 controller. This alone PROVES that Tiberon doesnt give a s(.t about the PC platform, and is basically only working to release games for the console market. You guys are doing this on purpose and still dont want to admit.

I cant wait for the disasters that are NHL, MLB and NBA, which will no doubt be re-hashes of last years games with no regard to anything current (Not even widescreen support. That alone should lead to a boycott of anything you make ever again). Do us all a favor. Never get an exclusive license to a sports game ever again. You have ruined NFL gaming as we know it.

I have to say that I am highly disappointed with Madden 08 for the PC. But I pretty much expected to be. It's the same game that 07 was, which was the same game as 06. I expected to be, since it isn't a surprise that EA has once again tacked on a handful of 'new' features, didn't bother to fix the old ones and taken 60 more dollars from millions of people dying for a new game. EA has been doing the Same with the Battlefield series for years. All those superfluous expansion and booster packs, followed up by BF2142 which is just BF2 with new models.

Its disgusting that people are paying money for a new game, and get crap add-ons in return for their dollars. I played the game for maybe 2 hours and I've got plenty to gripe about. Same old commentary from Al and John, I've been finishing their sentences for two years, I don't wanna do it anymore; You scrapped it on the consoles last year - have mercy on PC Users.

I thought you were 'pulling back' the camera on Superstar mode? Guess thats just for consoles because it's still unplayable for the PC Platform. Where are these new tackle animations I keep hearing about?

I saw one gang tackle in the two 7min quarter games I played and the 2nd tackler just looked like he was floating above the ball carrier. Whoa, the new kicking controls made it onto the PC this year. Fans of football shouldn't need an annoying icon to know that Willie Parker is fast or that Reggie Bush is allusive. These weapon players were weapons last year, they just didn't have fancy icons telling us so. Great Catch? Well I've seen one or two attempts at a receiver trying to make that spectacular grab, and it would have been impressive if it wasn't something that should have been in the game two years ago. How about just more catching animations all around?

- Hit Stick 2.0 - If the stick response time wasn't just as slow as it has been the last two years, it might be good. But, you still have to predict your hit way sooner than you should have to. And the new tackling animations are once again not impressive. I could go on, but its not gonna change the fact that the Madden Franchise is still milking the same game, and that PC Users are still getting the very short end of the stick. I don't understand why EA thinks a PC isn't capable of nexgen technology? You wouldn't even need a High-End PC to get x360 type graphics out of a PC; and jipping PC users out of new features every year is just inexplicable. Recommendation: Buy Madden only once every 4 years.

Just bought my copy for 39.99 + tax. And to start off i must say that everybody @ Tiburon/EA sports needs to be under arrest. They tricked and robbed me by getting my hopes up for the next gen madden, pay my cash and what do I get? A patched up copy of madden 06!!

A big dissappointment to all the pc gamers such as myself. And a disgrace to football(period) but you know what? EA sports is gonna pay for their crimes. EA knew they couldnt compete with 2k5 so instead of steppin up their game,they punked out by taking the easy way out by buying the NFL license, and ripping people off by re-selling a 2002 copy of madden with just fancy add-ons. No real-time physics like 2k5 football. And now they just decided to add the most basic feature in a real life football game. Gang tackling.

After all these years. The 'greatest football' game just now decided to add this and it still can't beat 2k8 apf.Now Real football is back and madden will lose whole lot of money. Mark my words! Madden will be exposed, because 2k8 is gonna set the example to the football fans out there. The NFL licencing plan will end up as a failure, and Vince Young will get the madden curse. This game will suck. I am not getting it.

It is a total waste of money for PC gamers all around the world. This game has the same graphics engine since 2004. Like everyone says it is just a expansion to 2007 which sucked also. I believe that EA / Tiburon should just stop making this game for PC all in all. That is how furious I am with this company and their efforts for the PC version. I CAN'T WAIT TILL NFL AND EA CONTRACT IS OVER. IT WILL BE THE MOST WONDERFUL DAY!!!

' Competition fuels Innovation'. Im not defending EA or anything and I think they should have released two versions this year for PC, but just so you all are aware however I must bring this up. XBOX360 uses 3 processors clocked at 3.2 for 9.6 Ghz of CPU processing power. ONLY Core2Quads currently exceed that much raw power in desktop processors.

Also the graphics processor is basically a ATI X1900, which is the equivilant of a high end GeForce 7 card. Probably not one of you has a Core2Quad and a Geforce7 or better, or at least not more than 1 or 2. People with single core processors and anything lower than a high end GeForce6 will not be able to use the next-gen engine EVER. Sorry, but it's a fact. 4 gigs of RAM aint gonna help, and neither is a fancy sound card, or 2 crappy graphics cards in SLI, or lots of hard drive space, or 1 Gigabyte of Video RAM. The PS3 can only get 30 frames a second because it only has one real processor at 3.2, some crappy SPE's which at best bump it to 2 cores worth of power, or at least thats all people have been able to get out the SPE's so far.

Plus it has a Geforce 7 for a graphics processor. Thats still some great specs, and its only gets 30 FRAMES PER SECOND. Almost no one can run the next-gen version yet on their pc in a playable fashion (i.e. 30 frames), so let it go. It will be current gen for Madden 09 as well, or there wont even be a Madden 09 for PC becasue its so easily stolen.